About Me


I have enjoyed the creative arts for as long as I can remember. At school I didn’t do well, but O’ Level art and photography were two subjects that I passed first time around.

After school and a brief spell as a freelance photographer and a sales assistant in a photography shop, I headed for university in York.

I completed a BA and an MA before qualifying as a teacher of Design and Technology. In my day to day job I drew a lot, but never painted...

...until now.

In an attempt to escape from the stress of my day job, I bought some watercolour paints and started to dabble. I took my paints on holiday with me, inspired by the French sunshine and colours found in the garden of the house in which we were staying, I practised.

After returning to the wonderful Yorkshire Dales, I started to explore their beauty through my paintings. Friends commented positively on my work and encouraged me to show them to others. So here they are!


Name: Nigel Wilford

Age: 41


Richmond, North Yorkshire


BA Hons.

PG Dip. Industrial Design

MA Industrial Design

PGCE Secondary Education

Other interesting facts

In 2000, I qualified as a BCU Level 5 Coach and have worked internationally as a coach educator  and paddlesports coach.

In April 2012 I had my first book published. I co-authored “English Canoe Classics - Volume 1” with Eddie Palmer. Volume 2 is on its way.


A (very) brief history...

Be in your element.

I hope that I can use this experience to show others that we need never stop learning and that we can have a good go at being successful at whatever we wish. The path of our lives are not set in stone and we all have talents that we perhaps suspect, but are afraid to explore fully. We dismiss our passions as something “other people” do for a living, not daring to believe we can change what we do.  I believe we owe it to ourselves to be happy in our lives. My mother-in-law tells me that happiness is not doing what you enjoy, but enjoying what you do. I don’t quite buy into this...

... I say -  find what you love and do it - you owe it to yourself.